The first three songs on this release are really good, mid-paced NoFX songs. Very reminiscent of some of the stuff that you might find on "Wolves" or "Errorism". "My Orphan Years" is an excellent track, especially if you appreciate the up tempo stylings of "Kids of the K-Hole" or "What's the Matter with Parents Today?". More than that it's pretty haunting lyrically as Mike seems to work through some parental stuff in the short 3 minutes of its existence.
You can often find yourself smiling or chuckling when you hear certain NoFX tracks as their sense of humor is legendary and lyrically there are no sacred cows. I can visualize the entire story behind "Creeping Out Sara" and laughed out loud through most of it! About Tegan and Sara, it's classic NoFX..."I told her I was big fan of her band. She asked me if I had a favorite song. I admitted that I never actually heard them but I like k.d. lang". Classic!
The story of Iron Maiden wrapped up in a clever song, tells me that NoFX is in top form these days. It probably takes a fan of heavy metal to uncover the hidden story behind "Eddie, Bruce, and Paul". So, that's easy for me...it's the story of Paul Di 'Anno getting kicked out of Iron Maiden and Bruce Dickinson (the original human siren) leaving Samson to join Iron Maiden. Again, brilliant stuff!
Alcohol clearly plays a role in this album from beginning to end. Songs about alcohol, drinking, late nights at crappy bars and flat-out alcoholism are pervasive throughout. Sometimes funny and as always sometimes providing some deep soul insight. That's not new nor shocking for these guys, but it's a pretty clear throw-down between that demon and satire! I'd say it's probably a tie..."I Am an Alcoholic" is nevertheless a great NoFX track blending their ska influences with rock.
"One Million Coasters" finishes this stellar release very well! Essentially it's a listing of extinction. How cool to think about stuff you've not thought about in 20 years or so...Kodak 110's, telephone booths, Betamax...how quickly we all forget those relics that have gone the way of the answering machine.
25 years of NoFX! That's insane. It seems like only yesterday that I was watching them live at SOMA or Wabash Hall in San Diego. Now I feel old and sad, I think I'll go have an alcoholic beverage! But hey, it's a long way from Wabash Hall to headlining the Warped Tour!
Go Grab it at Amazon
or at iTunes
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